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Intersectional Gender Analysis, Child Protection Assessment in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh

Project Information


Intersectional Gender Analysis, Child Protection Assessment in the Coastal Area of Bangladesh


Breaking the Silence (BTS)


Objectives: The project aims to conduct a comprehensive study to understand and address the complex issues of child protection, gender inequality, and climate vulnerability in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The goal is to inform future interventions and advocacy efforts.

Location: Satkhira, Khulna, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

Duration of Assignment: 4 months (May 2023 – August 2023)

Narrative Description of Project: This project involves a comprehensive study focusing on child protection, gender inequality, and climate vulnerability in the coastal areas of Bangladesh. The aim is to understand these complex issues deeply to guide future interventions and advocacy efforts.

Description of Actual Services Provided by AIRD: Associates for Innovative Research and Developments (AIRD) provided services, including the development of an Inception Report, Methodology, and Questionnaire, conducting Primary and Secondary Data Collection, Data Entry and Analysis, and Monitoring of the project. Additionally, AIRD was responsible for Report Writing.

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