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Nutrition, Food Security and Safety

What We DO

At AIRD, our focus on Nutrition, Food Security, and Safety is grounded in a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of these areas and their critical importance for community well-being and sustainable development. We recognize that ensuring access to nutritious food and maintaining food security is fundamental to the health and resilience of communities, especially in challenging environments. Our strategies are designed to assess and address the diverse nutritional needs of communities, considering local food systems, agricultural practices, and environmental factors. We prioritize food safety and nutritional value, advocating for practices that enhance food quality while ensuring sustainable use of resources.
In our approach, we emphasize community involvement and capacity building, ensuring that local populations have the knowledge and skills to sustainably manage and improve their food systems. This includes education on nutritional best practices, safe food handling, and techniques for sustainable agriculture. We advocate for policies supporting food security and safety, working with various stakeholders to create an environment where nutritious food is a right, not a privilege. By focusing on these areas, AIRD aims to create a foundation for healthier communities where food security and safety are integral to overall development and well-being.


Associated Services of this Sector Area

Climate induced hazards assessment and studies

CC assessment regarding community Resilience

Social impact Assessment